Breeder’s Guidelines

The Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada is dedicated to improving the breed.  In compliance with the Constitution of the SSCC, these guidelines are to assist novice breeders, to remind fellow breeders, and to inform interested parties of the responsibilities and measures a dedicated breeder will take to comply with good breeding practices.  These guidelines  must be followed to be included on the breeder list of the Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada.

a) General

Each breeder should:

  • Abide by and follow the Code of Practice of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Member Breeders.
  • Provide each dog in their care with clean humane living quarters, proper nutrition, grooming, veterinary health care, and exercise in an environment suitable to nurture emotional development and stability.
  • Respond to any complaint which the SSCC receives concerning their dogs, litters, or kennel.
  • Allow, upon a third complaint, a representative of the SSCC to examine the premises to ensue proper care of their dogs and litters using the guidelines set forth by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Code of Practice for Canadian Kennel Operations.
  • Teach and promote responsible ownership and encourage the spaying and neutering of all dogs sold as pets.
  • Continually further their knowledge of the science of breeding dogs.
  • Maintain an interest in all dogs which they sell or place.
  • Request the right of first refusal should the owners wish to relinquish ownership.

b) Breeding

Each breeder should endeavor to:

  • Know and understand the Standard of the breed as set forth by the CKC and breed to that standard in a continuing attempt to improve the breed.
  • Breed only dogs eligible for registration with the Canadian Kennel Club, health tested in accordance with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) requirement for the breed, in good mental and physical health, which are sexually mature.
  • Refrain from and discourage the breeding of clearly inferior specimens and those with disqualifying hereditary defects.
  • Breed only dogs that have clearances for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eyes, dilated cardiomyopathy, thyroid (optional but suggested) and certified by OFA. You may also want both the dog and the bitch tested for brucellosis, an infectious bacterial disease that can cause sterility or spontaneous abortions in affected dogs.
  • It is recommended that the dog and bitch be as close to 24 months as possible and no less than 18 months of age to be considered for breeding.  Hip and elbow x-rays should be sent to OFA for preliminary clearance if under 24 months of age.  It was customary to avoid breeding a bitch on their third consecutive heats to allow sufficient time for recuperation between pregnancies.
  • Confirm that the stud dog and brood bitch are only bred to dogs or bitches with health clearances.

c) Registration and Sales

Each Breeder should: 

  • Keep accurate breeding records and register all puppies resulting from each breeding as required by the CKC.
  • Have puppies cropped by qualified veterinarian under general anesthetic and will not place cropped puppies in pet homes until the ears have healed.
  • Not place puppies under the age of eight (8) weeks.
  • Sell only healthy puppies, sound in temperament, free from parasites, vaccinated for protection from communicable disease.
  • Stand behind the quality and condition of all stock as represented to the purchaser at the time of sale.
  • Sell stock under non-breeding agreements with spaying or neutering  to be encouraged in pet stock.  Lift non-breeding contract only after all health clearances have been acquired.
  • Provide each purchaser with the following information:
    •  A description of the dog as purebred, to be registered with CKC, including date of birth, gender, colour and identification by tattoo or microchip.
    • Name and registration numbers of sire and dam.
    • The responsibilities of purchaser.
    • A health guarantee.
    • The puppy’s health record from a qualified veterinarian.
    • General health care instructions.
    • Never sell or give a dog or provide stud service to any pet shop, wholesale dealer, puppy mill or person who would act as a third party to above mentioned dealers.  Never provide dogs or puppies to auctions, or as prizes in lotteries, raffles, etc..
  • Provide education, guidance, assistance, advice and support to teach responsible breeding practices when a puppy or adult dog is sold or placed as potential breeding stock to a novice breeder.