Standard Schnauzer Club Of Canada : Constitution
a) Name
The name of the club shall be the “Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada” hereinafter referred to as the “Club” or “SSCC”.
b) Areas of Operation
The area of operation shall be all of Canada.
c) Affiliation
a) The Club shall maintain recognition with the Canadian Kennel Club hereinafter referred to as the “CKC”, and shall operate in accordance with the By-Laws, Rules, Regulations and Policies of the CKC.
b) The Club may further affiliate itself with organizations devoted to the aims an objects of the Club, any such affiliation to be approved by the Club in a Standing Resolution to be attached to the By-Laws hereunder.
d) Objectives and Aims
a) The objectives and aims of the Club shall be:
(i) to define the standard of the breed and to encourage members, breeders, and exhibitors to use the breed standard as the standard of excellence by which the Standard Schnauzer shall be judged.
(ii) to promote the Standard Schnauzer as a show dog, versatile working dog and family companion dog.
(iii) to protect and advance the interest of the breed through news and education of the public, members, owners, and potential owners in the proper care and maintenance of the Standard Schnauzer and to foster the spirit of good sportsmanship among participants in all forms of competition. In order to fulfil this, the Club will use various means such as publishing its official Newsletter, Der SchNEWS and to make it available to all members at least 3 times per year. It will make available to interested parties information on the breed by such means as the Club Website.
(iv) to encourage members to follow responsible breeding and sales practices as set out by the SSCC Breeders’ Guidelines, and the Canadian Kennel Club.
(v) to encourage and foster the establishment of regional clubs for the betterment of the breed.
(vi) to conduct licensed specialty shows and obedience trials and other events under the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club.
b) The Club shall not be conducted or operated for profit and no part of any profits or remainder or residue from dues or donations to the Club shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual. However, this shall not preclude the Club from entering into legitimate agreements with individuals or organizations for the purpose of raising funds or conducting other work authorized by the Board.
c) The members of the Club shall adopt, and may from time to time revise, such By-laws and policies as may be required to carry out the objectives of the Club. The By-laws, as a whole, should be reviewed every 5 years.
d) Changes to this Constitution and By-laws shall be by majority vote of members voting in a regular or electronic mail ballot.
Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada: By-Laws
1. Definitions
a) For the purpose of these By-laws, the following interpretations shall apply:
‘Absent/Absence’: shall refer to the resignation, termination or leave of a person holding office;
‘AGM’: Annual General Meeting
‘Board’ / ‘Board of Directors’: Elected Officers and Directors of the SSCC;
‘Board Meeting’: a meeting of the Officers, the Directors, and Committee members;
‘Booster’: where the SSCC shall encourage the exhibition of Standard Schnauzers by offering keeper trophies at a CKC licensed club show;
‘By-laws’: the By-laws of the SSCC;
‘CKC Region’: one of the six Canadian Kennel Club Regions, being: British Columbia, Prairie Provinces (AB, SK, & MB), Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Region ( NB, NS, PE & NF), and Yukon, NWT & Nunavut;
‘Club’: Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada also referred to as “SSCC” or “the Club”;
‘Directors’: the person(s) elected by membership to represent on the official CKC regions;
‘Election Officer’: the person in charge of mailing out ballots, receiving and tabulating votes;
‘Electronic’: created, recorded, transmitted, or stored in digital or other intangible form by electronic, magnetic, optical, or any similar means;
‘Electronic Ballot’: the use of internet, telecommunications or other electronic means to conduct a vote or tally;
‘Electronic document’: data that is recorded or stored on any medium in or by a computer system or other similar device and that can be read or perceived by a person or a computer system or other similar device. It includes a display, a printout, or other input of that data;
‘Executive’: the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the SSCC;
‘Expel’: termination of membership in the Club and depriving the person so expelled from all privileges of the Club;
‘General Meeting’: any meeting of the SSCC open to the membership;’
‘National Specialty’: the annual, national show for Standard Schnauzers only, which is held by the SSCC. It shall be administered by a person(s) designated by the Board, offer Rosettes and Keeper Trophies, and should include an opportunity for the exhibitors to socialize. It may be held in conjunction with a CKC-licensed All Breed Show or set up as an independent event. The venue will be determined by the Board and will comply with CKC requirements;
‘Officer’: the position on the Board held by the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer
‘Past-President’: a person who has held the office of President in the past;
‘Quorum’: the number of Regular Members required to attend a meeting in order for business of the meeting to take place;
‘Regional Specialty’: a specialty show for Standard Schnauzers only that is held in one of the Official CKC Regions. It shall be administered by a person(s) designated by the Club Board, Rosettes and Keeper Trophies will be offered, and it should include an opportunity for the exhibitors to socialize;
‘Regular Member’: a member of the SSCC who has voting privileges;
‘Special General Meeting’: a meeting which is not an Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting;
‘Suspend’: that a Member is deprived, for a period ordered, of all the privileges of the Club;
‘Working Committee’: from time to time the Board may appoint a Working Committee to perform specific tasks in order to assist the National Club in a region where there is not a Branch Club. Such tasks may include investigating regional show sites for Specialties or Boosters, organizing various club activities or working on recommendations for club projects. It shall be made up of club members and wherever possible there should be at least one member of the Board on the committee.
2. Membership
a) Eligibility:
Eligibility is open to any person with an interest in Standard Schnauzers who subscribes to the objectives of the Club and meets the criteria as set out below in 2c.
b) Types of Memberships:
(i) Single Membership: shall be open to all persons eighteen years of age and over who subscribe to the objectives of this Club. A single member shall be entitled to one vote, may hold office, and is entitled to receive the club newsletter.
(ii) Household Memberships: shall consist of two members of the same household. They must subscribe to the objectives of the Club. Their membership entitles them to one vote each, to hold office (providing they are eighteen years of age or over), and to receive the Club newsletter (one subscription per household).
(iii) Associate Membership: shall be available to persons who subscribe to the objectives of the Club and on payments of a lesser amount of dues as set by the Club. There are no voting privileges for associate members nor can they stand for office e.g. Families in our “Puppy Buyer” Program or Newsletter only.
(iv) Junior Member: is a person who is under 18 years of age; application must be accompanied by parental consent. There are no voting privileges for junior members nor can they stand for office. The Board may appoint a junior member as a non-voting representative of the Board to advise on youth perspectives supporting the objectives of the Club.
(v) Honourary Membership: may be bestowed by the Club, from time to time, on those the Club feels are deserving. This membership will be for a time period determined at the time of the proposal. There are no voting privileges for honourary members nor can they stand for office. They are entitled to receive the Club newsletter.
(vi) Life Membership: may be given to a Member who has made a significant long-term contribution to the Club, Proposals shall be made by nomination and may be elected Life Member by 2/3 majority of members voting during a mail-in or electronic ballot. Life Members shall have full voting privileges, may hold office, but are not required to pay membership dues. They are entitled to receive the Club newsletter.
(vii) Member Emeritus: a full member of the Club who has made an outstanding long-term contribution to the Club but who is no longer active may be elected Member Emeritus by 2/3 majority of members voting during a mail-in or electronic ballot. Member Emeritus shall have full voting privileges and are not required to pay membership dues. They are entitled to receive the Club newsletter.
(viii) Associate Member: May become affiliated with the SSCC upon approval of the Board. Any application shall contain a list of the membership, the present officers, brief history of the club, list of activities and a copy of its Constitution and By-laws.
c) Application for Membership:
Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Executive and pay the prescribed annual fee as set out in the Standing Resolutions of the Club. Applications and fees are to be sent to the Treasurer.
(i) Members shall complete a renewal form each year and provide updates to the Treasurer of any changes to that information.
d) Approval of Membership:
Approval shall be given providing the applicant meets the eligibility requirements as set out in 2b and c (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), & (vii) and that the applicant agrees to abide by rules adopted by the Club, by way of the Constitution, By-laws and standing rules and guidelines. Any individual rejected for membership by the Club must be provided with a written explanation.
e) Termination of Membership:
Termination of membership may occur as a result of:
(i) Resignation: Any member in good standing may resign from the Club by giving written notice to the Secretary. A member resigning shall not be entitled to any refund of dues that may have been paid.
(ii) Failure to Renew: A membership is considered as lapsed and shall be terminated automatically if such member’s dues remain unpaid and/or a justifiable cause cannot be shown for non-payment of dues sixty (60) days after the beginning of the membership year. All voting privileges will be suspended until the member is reinstated in good standing.
(iii) Expulsion: No members shall be expelled except for just cause, and after due consideration given by the Board, at a hearing, as set out under Article 8. Discipline, sections b and d.
(iv) Automatic Termination of Membership: Any member of the Club as a result of deprivation, suspension, debarment, expulsion or termination of the Canadian Kennel Club membership as imposed by the Canadian Kennel Club’s Discipline Committee for the same period of time, and shall be automatically reinstated to the Club at the end of the period. Any member of the Club who is suspended indefinitely from the Canadian Kennel Club shall have their membership terminated automatically. If the individual is reinstated into the Canadian Kennel Club, they may reapply for membership in the Club.
(v) Death
Membership is terminated upon the death of a member and it can not be transferred to next of kin or another individual.
f) Voting Privileges:
Voting privileges are afforded to all regular members (2c) (i), (ii),(vi) & (vii) in good standing with this Club and the CKC. (Associate, Junior and Honourary members have no voting privileges).
g) Record of Membership:
(i) The Treasurer and the Secretary shall maintain a complete and up-to-date list of all members including all information required on membership forms.
(ii) The Newsletter Editor shall be given a list of the current membership addresses and be given all changes before each edition of the newsletter.
h) Amount of Annual Membership Dues:
At the beginning of each term of office, the newly elected board shall determine the amount of dues required for each class of membership as set out in a Standing Resolution of the Club.
3. Meetings
a) Regular General Meetings:
Whereas this is a National Club, with membership throughout the country, Regular General Meetings shall be held by electronic means when warranted to discuss issues of concern to the Club. Prior notification of any meetings shall be given by the secretary.
b) Annual General Meeting:
The AGM of the Club shall normally be held in conjunction with the National Specialty. However, the Board may determine to hold the meeting at another time and venue if it is felt to be in the best interests of the Club.
(i) Notice of the AGM, stating the date and venue for the meeting, shall be provided by the Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. They may be effected by means of the official club website or be sent by regular or electronic mail. If the AGM is held at a Specialty, the exact time and location shall be posted on-site in order to allow for ring schedules.
(ii) A quorum shall consist of at least ten (10%) of the dues-paid voting members in good standing with the Club with at least two of the Executive members in attendance.
(iii) The AGM shall be for the purpose of receiving reports. Motions carried at the AGM shall be referred to the Board for consideration.
c) Special General Meetings:
A Special General Meeting may be called by the Board, or if necessary, by a petition, written or electronic, of not less than ten (10) % of dues paid voting members of the Club.
(i) The secretary, in consultation with the Board, shall give notice of the meeting, stating the purpose, date, time and location, to the membership no less than 14 days and not more than 30 days prior to the meeting. Notice of the meeting may be given by regular or electronic mail.
(ii) A quorum shall consist of at least 10% of dues-paid voting members in good standing with the Club and should include at least two members of the Executive.
d) Board Meetings:
There will be a minimum of 2 Board meetings each calendar year. At least one Board meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual National Specialty. A second Board meeting shall be held approximately six (6) months before or after the National Specialty.
(i) Meetings shall be held in person, whenever possible, or may be conducted via electronic means.
(ii) A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board, at least two of whom shall be Executive Officers.
(iii) A hard copy of all meeting minutes including names of those participating, votes taken by the Board at any meetings, including those taken by mail, telephone, conference call, fax or other electronic means shall be kept by the secretary. Any votes taken via telephone must be followed by a letter of written confirmation, from each participant, sent to the secretary, no less than 10 business days following the meeting.
(iv) The results of such votes shall be reported to the general membership in the next club publication following the vote. Note: Board business may be conducted by mail, electronic mail, or telephone through the Secretary.
e) Quorum:
If a quorum as set out in each of the above meeting types is not established, a new meeting must be scheduled and proper notice given to the membership and – or the members of the Board.
4. Board of Directors
a) The Board of Directors:
The Board shall be made up of Officers of the Club (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) plus a minimum of 4 regional Directors representing the officially recognized regions from across Canada, as decreed, from time to time, by the CKC.
b) Duties and Responsibilities of Officers of the Club shall be as follows:
(i) President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Board and maintain order at such meetings; has deciding vote in all questions where voices are equal; shall be the chief representative of the Club. In the President’s absence, the Vice-President shall perform all duties.
(ii) Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President when absent and shall assume that office should it become vacant. Shall record any minutes of meetings in the absence of the Secretary. In the event of the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, the Board shall elect a member to assume such duties.
(iii) Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes a be the custodian of all proceedings for the Board, General or Special Meetings and shall make available such minutes to the membership. If records are kept electronically, a hard copy must be maintained as part of the Club’s permanent files. The Secretary shall have custody of all books, committee reports, records and papers of the Club, except those which are in the custody of the Treasurer or retired to the archives. The Secretary shall maintain a complete and up-to-date membership list; and shall be responsible for sending out all notices of meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending out all disciplinary action notices, and for sending and receiving all correspondence which is not the function proper of any other office or committee, for mail pick-up, and general duties as determined by the Club. In the absence of the Secretary at a meeting, the Vice- President shall assume the recording of the minutes.
(iv) Treasurer shall control and supervise to collection and receipt of all monies payable to the Club and promptly deposit those funds in the Club’s bank account The Treasurer shall pay all liabilities of the Club up to an amount of $100.00 or an amount set down from time to time in the Standing Resolutions. For liabilities exceeding that amount, the approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained. The Treasurer shall arrange for small amounts of monies to be made available to various committees and the Secretary in order for them to pay day-to-day expenses and to collect receipts from time to time from the same. The Treasurer shall keep financial records and accounts and be prepared to submit them for examination or audit by the Board at any time. The Treasurer shall submit an up-to-date financial statement for the AGM, when required by the Board at any time and submit an annual financial statement at the close of each fiscal year. If records are kept electronically, a hard copy must be maintained as part of the Club’s permanent files. The Treasurer shall keep records of all memberships submitted and keep the Secretary appraised of any additions or updates; send the Newsletter editor a list of all current membership addresses including any additions or changes before each edition of the Newsletter; and shall give the Awards Tabulator a membership list indicating dates members joined, if within the current awards year.
(v) Directors shall represent the officially recognized CKC Region in which they reside. No more than three (3) Directors may be elected from any one of the CKC Regions. Any Club member in good standing may nominate someone for the position of Director, but Directors must be elected by those members residing in that respective region. A Regional Director may also hold the position of Officer of the Club.
c) The Filing of Vacancies:
An Executive Position, which comes open during the year due to resignation or expulsion, shall be filled, until the next general election, by a majority vote of all of the then members of the Board, except in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President which shall be automatically filled by the Vice-President.
d) Term of Office for Officers and Directors:
The term of office for Officers and Directors shall be for a period of two years. All Officers and Directors shall take office the 1st day of May following their election and serve until the end of their term or until their successor is elected. Retiring officers shall turn over to their successor in office, all properties and records related to their respective offices within 30 days of leaving office.
e) Removal from Office:
Any member of the Board of Directors who does not adhere to the rules and guidelines of the Club, or fails to fulfil the duties of their office may be asked to resign from their position on the Board.
f) Authorizations:
No member, Officer or Director shall have the authority to bind the Club to any contract, document, instrument, or any other obligations unless duly authorized by the Board.
5. Finances
a) Bank and Banking:
The Club shall have a separate and independent bank account in a branch of any Canadian Chartered Bank; all cheques drawn from the club account must have the signature of a minimum of two (2) officers one being the Treasurer and another member with signing authority. The Treasurer shall maintain an up-to-date and complete record of all bank transactions.
b) Petty Cash Funds:
Set amounts, as authorized by the newly elected Board, at the beginning of each term, or as required, may be placed in the safekeeping of certain officers or committee chairpersons, as a Petty Cash Fund. Such funds are under the control of the Treasurer and a report and receipts must be given to the Treasurer before such funds are refreshed. Records and remaining funds of such accounts must be returned to the Treasurer before the close of the fiscal year or at the conclusion of the project.
c) Dues:
Dues shall be the amount specified in the Standing Resolution.
d) Funds:
The Club shall operate as a not-for-profit organization, raising and preserving funds in order to reasonably and comfortably maintain the Club and its activities.
e) Fundraising:
The Club, from time to time, shall undertake to raise funds to assist in the day-to-day expenses of the Club or to finance a special project or activity.
f) Term Deposits:
The Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive, may from time to time, place a portion of the funds from the Club bank account, into Interest Bearing Investments such as Term Deposits, which shall be registered under the Club’s name.
6. Club Year, Voting, Nominations and Elections
a) Club Year — Fiscal Year and Terms of Office:
The Financial Year of the Club shall commence on the 1st day of May and shall conclude on the 30th day of April the following year.
b) Voting:
Eligibility to vote: All Regular members in good standing with the Club are eligible to vote on matters duly made by Motion, seconded and brought before the membership at a meeting of the Club or by other means. (Associate, Junior and Honourary members have no voting privileges). Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
c) Elections:
Elections shall be held every 2 years and voting to take place before the close of the fiscal year (April 30). An election vote shall be conducted by secret mail-in or electronic ballot.
d) Nomination and Voting Procedures:
(i) The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose function shall be to present a slate of one candidate for each position for Officers and Board members.
(ii) The Nominating Committee may conduct its business in person, by mail, by telephone conference call or other acceptable electronic means. A written acceptance from each nominee must be received. (a hard copy or an email, with the nominee’s email address, date and acceptance shall be deemed acceptable)
(iii) The Nominating Committee shall submit its nominations in writing to the Secretary.
(iv) A notice giving the date of coming elections, a listing of the slate of candidates put forth by the Nominating Committee, and a call for further nominations, giving a closing date for such nominations, shall be published in the Club Newsletter and sent by mail or other acceptable means, at least sixty (60) days before the election date.
(v) Additional nominations shall be sent to the Secretary prior to the nomination closing date.
(vi) Should more than one candidate be nominated for any position, ballots shall be mailed out to the eligible voting members by the Secretary in order for a vote to be taken for those positions.
(vii) Should no further nominations be received for any position before the nomination closing date, that position shall be declared as filled and the person so nominated shall be acclaimed to the position.
(viii) The Board shall appoint an independent auditor to collect and count the ballots. Ballots shall be mailed to the auditor who will on an appointed date open and count the election ballots. All candidates shall be notified of the results without delay. The results shall be reported to the current Board and published in the next Club Newsletter.
e) Candidates:
(i) Candidates in the Club elections shall have been nominated in accordance with the Club’s By-laws.
(ii) All candidates must have completed two years of continuous regular membership with the SSCC.
(iii) All candidates must reside in Canada. Candidates for all Regional Director positions must only be nominated for the Region in which they reside.
(iv) Candidates for the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must be members of or willing to become members of the Canadian Kennel Club.
f) Notification of Elected Officers to the CKC:
The Secretary shall file a complete list of all new Officers and Directors, including their positions, names, addresses, phone, fax, email, and CKC membership numbers with the Canadian Kennel Club with thirty (30) days of an election, or filling of a vacancy. The standard form, which is available form the CKC, should be used for this purpose.
7. Committees
a) Appointment of Committees: The Board may appoint members from time to time to form a committee in order to work on a particular Club event or project. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee. Working committees may be formed in order to carry out club-related events and projects in an area where no Branch club exists.
b) Termination of Committees: All committees shall be dissolved at the close of an election year or when the project is completed. During the year the Board, with good reason, may dissolve a committee.
c) Committee Reports: All committees shall make regular reports to the Board. Where financial transactions are involved, all funds, receipts, and full reports must be turned over to the Treasurer from time to time and or at the completion of a project. Any remaining items used in a project or event are the property of the SSCC and must be returned to the Secretary for future use of the Club.
8. Discipline
a) Automatic:
Any member of the Club who is suspended, debarred, deprived, expelled, or whose membership has been terminated by the Canadian Kennel Clubs Disciplinary Committee shall be suspended from the privileges of the Club for a like period. The Secretary shall send notice to the member notifying them of the SSCC’s actions.
b) Complaints:
Any actions by a member, which are contrary to the aims and objectives of the Club, may have a complaint lodged against them. A complaint must be in writing, signed by the complainant, and must state the charges fully and explicitly. The complaint shall be filed with the Secretary. The complainant shall be supplied with a copy of the complaint and must be accorded a hearing that shall be in a place readily accessible, in person or electronically, at a reasonable time and shall be convened to hear and rule on the charges and shall be conducted by members of the Board who will provide a written report and ruling on any actions to be taken.
c) Expulsion:
Expulsion can take place as outlined in sections 8. Discipline a) and b) with the concurrence of a majority of the Board.
9. Amendments
a) Constitution and By-Laws:
(i) The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any time provided 9. a) (iii), (iv) & (v) are followed.
(ii) At least every five (5) years, the Constitution and By-Laws shall be reviewed by the Board or a special review committee appointed by the Board. At that time recommendations may be made to bring the present document into line with the needs of the Club and for changes required by the CKC. They may also consider changes or additions made by petition from the membership.
(iii) Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be made only after the proposed alterations have been given in writing to the Secretary, copies made and circulated, with a ballot, to all Regular Members in good standing. In order to allow members time to review and return their vote on such changes, the notice shall specify a date (not less than 45 days after the date of mailing) that the ballots must be returned to the Secretary.
(iv) Amendments will be considered accepted when a two-thirds favourable vote is received from all eligible member votes returned by mail or electronically. Proxies are not permitted.
(v) A document containing the entire Constitution and By-Laws of the SSCC shall be provided to the CKC for their information and records.
b) Breed Standard:
(i) Amendments to the Breed Standard may be proposed by the Board, by a petition from the members or by a special committee appointed by the Board.
(ii) All Breed Standard changes must fall under CKC rules and guidelines.
(iii) Vote must be by mail or electronic ballot. Proxies are not allowed. All changes must be accepted when a two-thirds favourable vote is received from all eligible member votes returned.
(iv) A document containing substantive revisions to the Breed Standard must be approved by the Canadian Kennel Club and the required published vote before the changes shall become valid.
c) Standing Resolutions:
The Standing Resolutions of the Club may be amended, suspended, modified, or rescinded by a favourable majority vote of the Board. No Standing Resolution (or other resolution) shall be adopted which conflicts with the Club’s Constitution or By-Laws.
10. Dissolution
The Club may be dissolved at any time by providing to the Canadian Kennel Club written documentation signed by not less than two-thirds of the Regular (voting) members of the Club; proxies are not permitted. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, other than for purpose of reorganization, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the Club, nor any proceeds thereof, nor any assets of the Club shall be distributed to any members of the Club. After payment of the debts of the Club, its property and assets shall be sold and financial assets shall be given to a charitable organization devoted to the benefit of pure-bred dogs as selected by the Board of Directors.
11. Order of Business
a) AGM:
(i) Call the Members to Order,
(ii) Approval of the minutes from the previous AGM,
(iii) Reports from the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs,
(iv) Unfinished Business
(v) General Discussion
(vi) Adjournment
b) Board of Directors Meeting:
A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held as determined necessary by the Board but at least two (2) times a year. Meetings shall be held in person, whenever possible, or may be conducted via electronic means. The order of business shall be as for the AGM.
c) Meetings of the Club and of its governing bodies and all other matters of practice and procedure, not otherwise herein specified, shall be governed by the Common Law of Procedure of Canada, Roberts Rules of Order, current edition.
12. Shows, Trials and Matches
a) The Club shall hold one National Breed Specialty each year and shall maintain proper licensing with the CKC to do so. National Specialties shall be held in accordance with the current CKC requirements. Regional Specialties may be held as the Club warrants.
b) The Club may from time to time offer CKC Sanctioned Matches for Obedience, Conformation and or other recognized events.
c) Each year, preferably two years in advance of the event, the Board shall appoint a Chairperson(s) and or committee for each Specialty Show. The committees shall work with the Board in all aspects of those events. The show committee shall be responsible for correspondence with the host club, CKC Event Applications and the keeping of records for Shows and Titles.
d) The Regular membership shall have input into the selection for judges at future shows wherever possible. Final decisions, whether selecting a judge from the host club’s panel or hiring our own judges will be at the discretion of the Board.
e) The Show Committee shall arrange for contact of prospective judges and shall be responsible for final selection.
13. Head Office
(i) The Head Office for the Club shall be the home of the current Secretary.
(ii) The mailing address for the Club shall be that of the current Secretary.
(iii) When a new Secretary is elected notification of the change of address shall be sent to all correspondents as soon as possible.
14. Regional Clubs
(i) A Regional Club may be set up to serve breed fanciers in an area of the country where numbers warrant and shall operate within the confines of one of the Regions as designated by the Canadian Kennel Club. It will operate under the umbrella of the SSCC.
(ii) A Regional Club shall require a letter of acknowledgement from the SSCC before seeking accreditation with the Canadian Kennel Club.
(iii) The Regional Club shall pay dues to the SSCC in accordance with the Standing Resolutions. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, at the least, should be members in good standing with the SSCC and pay national dues.
(iv) The Regional Club shall promptly forward copies of all minutes, financial statements, or any other reports or newsletters to the Secretary of the SSCC Club.
(v) The Regional Club may be supported by the SSCC, through grants and rebates, for projects such as Boosters and Specialties.
(vi) The name of the Regional Club shall be called The Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada as well as reflecting the geographic area in which it operates (e.g. The Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada – Atlantic Region).
(vii) In the case of a dispute between the Regional and the SSCC, the decision of the SSCC Board shall be binding.
(viii) In the event of a Regional Club becoming defunct, all monies held by the Branch shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the SSCC.
(ix) The SSCC shall only be responsible for those debts previously authorized by the SSCC Board.
Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada: Standing Resolutions
1) Annual Dues
The Board shall each election year, review the current required membership dues and make adjustments accordingly.
a) Single Membership (1 vote)
b) Household Membership (2 votes)
c) Newsletter Only Membership (0 votes)
d) Regional Membership: The Regional Club shall pay dues to the SSCC in the amount equivalent to 20% of the total annual Regional Club dues collected. Members of the Regional Club Board shall also be regular members in good standing with the Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada and pay SSCC dues.
e) Puppy Buyer Program (0 vote): shall receive two (2) electronic copies of the newsletter.
2) Dogs in Canada – Breedlines Columnist:
The Board shall appoint, from time to time, a columnist to provide and/or co-ordinate material for the “Breedlines” section of the Dogs in Canada and see that it is submitted in a timely fashion.
3) Newsletter Editor:
The Board shall each election year, appoint an editor for the Club Newsletter, “Der SchNEWS”. Ideally the person in charge of this position will co-ordinate the gathering of the SS related news, any formal SSCC reports and educational articles and present them in a printed format.
4) Specialty Show Chairperson:
The Board shall each year appoint a Specialty Show Chairperson and will normally do this two years in advance of each Specialty. If the Chairperson wishes to show dogs bred or owned by them at the Specialty they must have no contact with the Specialty judge or the Sweeps Judge before the event.
5) Specialty Judge:
The method of determining the Judge for the National Specialty shall be at the discretion of the Board, which may in turn delegate this responsibility to the Specialty Show Chairperson should the Specialty be run in conjunction with one pr more other Breed Clubs.
6) General Code of Ethics:
a) members shall at all times maintain a high standard of health and care for their dogs.
b) members shall comply with the Canadian Kennel Club rules and regulations.
c) members shall at all times show good showmanship, handling themselves in a manner so as not to demean themselves or do any injustice to the Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada, or any other club or member thereof.
7) Breeders’ Guidelines:
The Club shall establish guidelines for breeders that subscribe to the objectives and aims of the SSCC as set down in a document by that name and adopted by the club as our breeders’ code of ethics. The Breeders’ Guidelines will set out the responsibilities and measures a dedicated breeder must take to comply with good breeding practices dedicated to the improvement of the Standard Schnauzer breed.
8) Breeder Referral Representative:
The Board shall, each election year, appoint a member for this position. Ideally the person in charge of this position will have a reasonable knowledge of the breed and not be actively breeding Standard Schnauzers themselves. The club shall provide a list of breeder members to the representative who shall keep a record of inquiries and make a report to the Board annually. The club shall place an ad each year in the Dogs in Canada Annual giving the address and contact numbers of the Breeder Referral Representative.
9) Breed Rescue Contact:
The Board shall, each election year, appoint a member for this position. Ideally the contact person will keep records of the inquiries, be kept informed of member Standard Schnauzers available for adoption, have a list of available temporary home and be willing to co-ordinate a rescue if required. The Club shall have some funds available to assist in such rescues.
10) Web Site Master:
The Board shall, each election year, appoint a member for this position. Ideally the person should be able to maintain the Club web site and keep it up to date with information on Specialties and Club events and activities. The treasurer shall, each year, submit a list of member breeders who have paid for web site listing and links.