Breed Standard

SCHNAUZER (Standard)

Canadian Kennel Club Breed Standard (effective January 2004)

Origin and Purpose

The Standard Schnauzer can be traced back to 14th century Germany. It is a compact working dog and should be so judged. Its principal vocation was to guard tradesman’s carts and be an all-purpose farm dog.  The modern Standard Schnauzer is valued as a family companion and watchdog and has also been used in Red Cross, the military and in police work.

General Appearance

The Standard Schnauzer is a robust, square, compact working dog with good muscle and plenty of bone. A member of the Pinscher family, its rugged build and hard dense coat is accentuated by distinguished eyebrows and full moustache and beard.


The Standard Schnauzer has a lively temperament paired with a certain degree of reserve; highly intelligent, versatile, courageous, hardy, alert, reliable, and loyal.


Height at the withers (adult) Dog, 45.75 to 50.75 cm (18to 20 inches); bitches 43.25 to 48.25 cm (17-19 in.)


Tight, hard, wiry and as thick as possible, composed of soft, close undercoat and a harsh outer coat. When seen against the grain it stands up off the back, lying neither smooth nor flat. Correct harsh coat texture is very important for its ability to repel dirt and moisture with no tendency to mat. The skull and outer body coat is hand-stripped (plucked) to accentuate the body outline. A dog may be considered to be in show coat when the hair on the back is 2 to 3.75 cm (o.75 to 1.5 in.) in length.

Coat on the muzzle and over the eyes lengthens to form the beard and eyebrows. Coat on the cheeks , ears, throat, chest, belly and under the tail should be closely trimmed to give the desired typical appearance of the breed. The hair on the legs is slightly longer than on the body. These furnishings should be of harsh texture and should not be so profuse or long as to detract from the neat appearance or working capability. The skin is tight and grey in colour.


Pepper and Salt: The typical pepper and salt colour of the outer coat results from the combination of black and white banded hairs distributed evenly on the body. All shades from dark iron grey to silver grey are acceptable. The undercoat is grey. It is desirable to have a black facial mask that harmonizes with the particular shade of coat colour. The pepper and salt mixture may fade to light grey or silver white in the leg furnishings, eyebrows, whiskers, cheeks, throat, belly and under the tail, chest and inside the legs.

Black: The black Standard Schnauzer should be a rich true colour, free from fading, discolouration or any a mixture of grey or tan hairs. The undercoat should be solid black. A certain amount of fading and burning from increased age or continued exposure to the sun can occur. A small white smudge on the chest is permissible.


Strong and rectangular in appearance, diminishing slightly from ears to eyes and again to the tip of the nose. The total length of the head should equal that of the neck. The head should match the sex and substance of the dog. The expression is alert, highly, intelligent, and spirited. The skull is strong and elongated, moderately broad between the ears. The skull is flat and the skin unwrinkled. The cheeks are well filled without being coarse or prominent and should not disturb the rectangular appearance of the head. The stop is slight and sloping. The muzzle is strong, balanced, equal in length, and parallel to the top of the skull. The muzzle ends in a moderately blunt manner with full whiskers and moustache. The nose is large, black and full. Mouth: The lips are black and tight-fitting. There is a full complement of strong white teeth with the incisors meeting in scissors bite. The eyes are tight and black. Vision should not be impaired from front or profile by too long an eyebrow. The ears are set high complimenting the head. They should be evenly shaped with moderate thickness of leather and carried erect when cropped. Uncropped they are medium sized, V-shaped and mobile.  The ear breaks at the skull level and is carried forward when alert with the inner edge close to the cheek.


Equal in length to the head. The nape should be strongly muscled with a well-defined arch widening and blending cleanly in the shoulders. Skin should be tight and fit closely with the throat.


Strongly muscled with the shoulder well laid back. The forelimbs should be well under the dog providing maximum support. They are moderate in length, straight and vertical when viewed from all sides with the bone carried well down to the paws. The pasterns are firm and vertical when viewed from the front and nearly vertical from side view. Elbows are set close to the body and point directly rearward. Feet: Small, compact, cat-foot, round-shaped with thick pads and strong black nails. Toes are well arched with the centre of the paw straightforward. Dewclaws may be removed.


Compact, strong short-coupled and substantial allowing great strength, flexibility and agility. The appearance is square in proportion of body length from breastbone to point of rump, to the height at the highest point of the withers. A front view of the width across the shoulder should equal the width across the rear. Chest: In cross-section, oval-shaped, moderately broad with well-sprung ribs. At side view the breastbone is prominent and obvious in profile. The brisket of a mature dog reaches to the elbow and ascends gradually rearward with the belly moderately tucked up. The depth of chest from the top of the withers to the brisket should equal the distance of the brisket to the ground. Back: Strong, straight, and short with the topline slightly descending in an almost horizontal rearward slope. The loin is well developed with the distance from the last rib to the hip being as short as possible. Croup: Short, full, slightly rounded governing the set and carriage of the tail.


Strongly muscled and well angulated, matching the forequarters for correct balance and propulsion. Hocks are short, strong and perpendicular to the ground. Feet as in front.


Set moderately high and carried erect. The docked tail should be not less than 2 cm (0.75 in) and not longer than 7.5 cm (3in). The undocked tail is strong at the base tapering gradually to the tip.  It should be carried proudly like the blade of a saber but not forward over the back. The tail is stripped in conformity with the body coat.


Sound, strong, quick, free, true with topline level. The forequarters and hindquarters are balanced in a stride that has strong reach and drive covering the ground with minimum effort. At a trot the back remains firm and level without swaying, dipping, rolling or roaching. Increased speed causes the feet to converge towards the center line of gravity.


Any departure from the aforementioned ideals shall be considered faulty to the degree in which it interferes with the health and well-being of the dog and the breed’s traditional purpose.

Temperament: Dogs that are aggressive to humans or appear highly nervous or shy should be seriously faulted and excused.

Coat: Coat that is soft, smooth, curly, wavy or shaggy; too long or short; sparse or lack of undercoat, excessive or lack of furnishings. Body coat that has been cut or clipped.

Colour: Any colour, shadings or mixtures in the coat other than specified. A black saddle or streak down the back and absence or peppering.

Head: Skull domed or bumpy, too narrow, too wide or pronounced, Head and/or muzzle too long or short, pointed or down faced. Overly refined terrier-like head.  Over or undershot bite, crooked or missing teeth, eyes round, protruding or light coloured. Eyes round, protruding or light coloured. Ears that are low or hound-like, uneven in carriage or do not compliment the head.

Forequarters: Shoulder and upper arm not equal in appearance.

Feet: Excessively toed in or out, spreading paws or hare foot.

Body: Barrel chest or slab sided.

Tail: Squirrel tail.

Gait: Hackney gait.


Adult dogs that are in excess of 50.75 cm (20 in) or less than 45.75 cm (18 in) and adult bitches that are in excess of 48.25 cm (19 in) or less than 43.25 cm ( 17 in) in height.